
Here are a couple traditional sketches I've done recently. I was inspired by Nathan Fowkes' landscape sketchbook and decided to take a crack at it. I've never tried these little acrylic sketches before and i haven't touched traditional paints in some time. There not that great, but I'm trying damn it. They're both acrylic, and both were done in my moleskine, so they're pretty small. The top sketch was done first from reference out of a book, and then i quickly did the bottom sketch using the same palette in order to use up all the poorly-mixed paint i had from the first sketch.


Here are some pages that i put together from a sketchbook that never seems to be finished. It's never been a primary sketchbook of mine, i pick it up from time to time just to doodle in something different. Thus, the randomness of the subject matter:/

Fresh Start

This new blog is going to serve as my personal sketch forum. I hope to post often with photos and digital and traditional sketches, mainly to keep me fresh and inspired. I hope you enjoy it. This is the first post/sketch that i did last night. It's based off of a picture that i took here in Chicago. It was entirely done in Photoshop.


Here are a few illustrations from Jumanji.  There are sculpted elements in all three images, and they were designed by the great Si...